Market Segment Overview
Saulsbury brings extensive experience helping heavy industrial, energy, and power clients fully utilize the resources that form their business interests. Our capabilities include:
- Engineering and Design of all disciplines including electrical, instrumentation, controls, civil, structural, mechanical, and process
- High and Medium Voltage Substations and Switchyards
- High/Medium/Low Voltage Power Distribution Systems
- Existing Substation Additions or Upgrades
- Microgrids
- PLC/RIO Enclosure Design
- Protective Relaying and Coordination
- Power Management Systems
- Substation Controls and Integration
- SCADA Systems
- AC and DC UPS Systems
- Underground Power Duct Banks
- Grounding Systems
- Conduit and Cable Systems
- Metering and Instrumentation
- Site Work and Access Roads
- Integration of 3rd Party Technology Packages
- Procurement Support
- Layout Design and Optimization
- DCS / PLC (Control Systems) Engineering: Design and Installations
- Construction – Civil, Structural, Mechanical/Piping, Equipment Setting, Electrical, Instrumentation, Scaffolding, Insulation, and Painting
- Piping and Steel Fabrication
- Commissioning and Start-up Services
- Maintenance and Asset Integrity
We manage the process from beginning to end and provide schedule optimization and cost efficiencies with a single-point-of-contact approach to each client – a service that sets us apart from our competitors.

Phoenix, Arizona
- Construction and installation of a 500-kV, 1,800-MVA substation
- Three HVB 500-kV dead tank breakers
- 11 – 230-kV Alstom breakers
- Eight Alstom 500-kV switches
- 26 – Southern State 230-kV center break switches

Odessa, Texas
- Installation of a 345-kV switchyard
- Six 345-kV dead tank breakers
- 14 – 345-kV switches

Dell, Arkansas
- Installation of a 500-kV switchyard
- One 500-kV dead tank breaker
- Five 500-kV switches

Gila Bend, Arizona
- Construction and installation of a 500-kV switchyard
- One 300-MVA 500-kV to 230-kV transformer and foundation work
- 23 – 500-kV dead tank breakers
- 61 – 500-kV Southern State switches
- Three 230-kV Southern State switches